Spirituality & Soul Centered Life!
What’s the most important lesson I have learnt through 6 1/2 years of 'spiritual awakening'? That, nothing is a chance and everything happens for a reason. One of the numbers I see quite often is 'Angel number 55'. I discuss the others later
It's important to understand 'nothing is a chance and everything happens for a reason!' If your life is anything like mine where despite your best efforts and decisions life refuses to change, you may want to peek @ 'astrology and numerology' and see if you are doing what you were meant to do? This can help avoid an entire process of 'spiritual awakening’. I made all the 'right decisions' I could as a human. It is possible universe has different plan as defined by 'psychics, astrologers and numerologists'.
The focus of this blog is 'spirituality' and my experience with 'specific numeric patterns called angel numbers'. I have tried to explain here how ‘angel number’ communication works that led me to my 'life path and destiny numbers'.
When I googled for the phrase 'what is spirituality?', this popped up..
Spirituality is a broad concept that can be defined as a person's search for meaning, purpose, and connection with something greater than themselves. It can also involve a belief in a power beyond one's own existence, or a sense that there is more to being human than sensory experience. Spirituality can be expressed in many ways, including:
Connecting with nature: Gardening, hiking, watching sunsets, or spending time in scenic places
Connecting with others: Developing personal relationships, or trying to live ethically
Connecting with oneself: Practicing meditation, yoga, or mindfulness, or connecting with one's body through exercise, massage, or dance
Creating art: Making music or other art, or enjoying comedy and humor
Spirituality is different from religion, which is usually based on a set of organized beliefs and practices shared by a community. People can be spiritual without being religious, or even without believing in God. Spirituality can come into focus in times of emotional stress, illness, loss, or bereavement, and can help people strive for inspiration, reverence, and awe.
I wrote my first blog on ‘Spirituality vs Religion’ almost 3 years ago where I discuss the differences between the two. I have always believed in God. It's just that I don't feel the need to visit 'place of worship' on a weekly basis.
'Soul Centered Life?’
I have found 'soul centered life' can be different from 'mind /ego centered life' unless the person had created ‘the right kind of life’ from the start by looking inside their heart/soul and intuition. There are instances where you could be doing everything right but 'Fate' may take you in different direction (not desired by the heart). 'Fate' may, then, attempt a 'reset' @some point to bring the person onto the ‘correct path’. It may point individual to a 'soul centered life' as a viable solution.
When it comes to 'spirituality', ‘path of heart is the right path’. This is because while ‘thoughts change, heart remains the same’.
My 'spiritual awakening' began on Nov 7th,2017 (roughly 6 1/2) years ago. I was going through a life crisis of my own. I began to witness 'angel numbers' (11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999,123, 234, 345, 456, 310, 510, 420, 710, 711, 1010, 1212, 1234, 1111, and 9999) repeatedly. 'Investigation of numbers under certain thought patterns' and the book by Hans Decoz and Tom Monty 'Numerology: Key to Inner self' led me to my 'day of birth, life path and destiny numbers'. This becomes the ‘soul centered life’.
Numerology & 'Angel Numbers': How 'angel messages’ communicate?
For anyone who may be new to 'numerology', numerology is the 'study of numbers'. Numerology is digits 0..9 with every digit assigned 'multiple values'. 'Angel Messages' are formed by combining different digits. Short descriptions of digits 0..9 is..
0 ---- 'choice of' divine connection or God Force
1 ---- new beginning or leadership
2 ---- balance and harmony (inside and with the universe), ‘soul purpose and mission’
3 ---- creativity, communication and connecting with people
4 ---- hard work. Lay down solid foundation
5 ---- change. The ‘change’ is about ‘change in thoughts, change in consciousness, change in career and change in life style choices (more of it in another blog)
6 ---- balance (usually with the family)
7 ---- awakening, enlightenment and deep contemplation
8 ---- abundance. Something is approaching an end
9 ---- completion and/or ending (end of a cycle), Light-work, universal harmony, destiny, karma etc.
For me, It all began on the night of Nov 7' 2017 as the clock hit 11:11pm. I, then, began to see 11:11 during daytime. It happened a few times and raised my curiosity. At that point, I went searching for the meaning of number 1111
Number 1111 implies 'start of spiritual awakening' or a new beginning or a 'warning to watch your thoughts as thoughts shape reality’.
Once I had read and understood meaning of number 1111, I began to see 1:23am, 2:22am, 2:34am, 3:33am and 4:44am.
1:23 stands for creation (3) of new beginning (1) of balance (2)
2:22 stands for balance 'inside' and with the universe
2:34 asks to be creative with the solution. Work hard and restore balance
3:33 you are about to make a decision
4:44 you are on the right path
As mentioned above, it all started in the night for me. The numbers, then, followed me during daytime. It took time but I figured it out. The numbers were connected to my thoughts. They were trying 'to change' my thoughts.
Once you understand them 'individually', the numbers will start to appear in sequence. An example of it would be let's say 'you are contemplating some thoughts in your head and reach a decision'. And boom, out of nowhere '333' appears in front of you as a 'sign on the billboard or on the car plate or as a route sign'. It may quickly be followed by '111' and/or '222'.
'333' implies you are about to reach a decision or have made a decision. '111' acts is gentle reminder to 'watch your thoughts as thoughts shape reality'. '222' asks you to 'restore balance 'inside' and with the universe'. This is universe way of saying to 'reconsider your thoughts'. Now, let's say you 'stay with your decision', you may then see a '666'. '666' implies 'serious imbalance in thoughts that will require start over in life'. '999' implies decision made was the 'right decision'.
It's not that every time you make a decision (like buying a tooth paste or a towel), you'll notice '333 or 111 or 222'. Signs appear during 'moments of significance'. In other words, not to go in a certain direction and/ or 'change your thoughts'. Universe doesn't care about your decision regarding a pant/shirt or a tooth paste😁
Sometimes when you make a decision, you may only see '111' or '222' or '111' followed by '222'. If it's just '111', it's universe way of saying 'to watch your thoughts (111 as thoughts create reality)'. If it’s '222', universe is saying 'it has sensed imbalance in thoughts and wants you to restore it.'
If it‘s '111 followed by 222', it implies to 'watch your thoughts and restore balance'.
Of course, this is all based on 'psychic explanations of numbers as written today'. One way to confirm if 'psychic explanation of numbers' is true or false is to 'check it with desires of your heart and then compare them to the thoughts in your head and see if they are in sync'. Numbers will always tell you to 'follow your heart and align thoughts with the desires of the heart'. It's like being out of sync with the heart is being out of sync with the universe.
Other numbers include…
'555'. '555' is about ‘change’
'666' implies imbalance in thoughts (applies to relationships in family)
'777' implies spiritual enlightenment. You are called to a purpose
'888' implies 'positive abundance’. An 'end' is approaching. Prepare life accordingly
'999' implies completion. It could mean 'you have reached the right decision or you just completed a cycle of life etc.'
'999' followed by '111' or '222' or combination of the two means 'you have just completed a cycle of life. Start 'new cycle on a new path (111) of balance (222)'.
Numbers like 310, 510, 710, 420 or 1010 imply 'choice of aligning thoughts (1) with higher power (0)'
Number 1234 implies 'you've come the whole circle (1+2+3+4 = 0 =1+0=1' -- ‘a new start’
I haven’t talked much about two digit numbers 11..99. In most cases, they are lower vibrational counterparts of their higher versions. What that means is if you see '11' a few times and don’t pay attention, it may turn into 111 or 1111. It’s the universe way of drawing your attention to number 11 or 111 or 1111.
Spiritual Awakening through 'repeat numbers means aligning thoughts with the heart and the universe'.
Can Universe Read 'Our Thoughts'?
Apparently 'Yes'. Whether we choose to follow or not, that's another matter.
When my 'spiritual awakening' began, I remember reading it in psychic explanation of one of the 'angel numbers that they can read our thoughts'. My initial reaction to it was of 'complete disbelief'. I was like, 'Are you kidding me? How can someone read my thoughts? How’s that even possible?’😀 It takes time before you understand it. You can, then, explain it to the others.
How 'angel numbers' connect to your day of birth, life path and destiny numbers?
According to the psychics,
(a) Life is 'pre-determined'
(b) 'Angel numbers' are a set of numbers created from the individual birthdate or name. Each angel number carries a special meaning from the universe ('the higher power')
I have discussed my life story in different blogs. I won't go into the details here. In short, I was born on March 29th (an Aries) with 'life path and destiny of 3'. Attributes of destiny '9' entered into my life due to a name change @an early stage (under the age of 5!). My mind happens to suffer misalignment from the heart (misalignment was introduced into my life!) due to a move to California decades ago. I believe misalignment was introduced so that 'Family Enmeshment' could stay in my life. People with destiny '9' suffer from 'FE' issue. They have to find a way to overcome it.
According to book by Hans Decoz and Tom Monty 'Numerology: Key to Inner Self', 'the day you are born' bears great significance in understanding who you are and where your talents lie. The day of birth indicates some special talent you possess. It's a 'gift' to you that will help you along your life path! Your 'birth day number is the number of the day you were born, and is examined as both a single and double digit number'.
For example, I was born on March 29th. I can be said to have ‘11’ birth day number. The two digits 2 and 9 suggest other abilities and character traits not revealed by '11' alone. While '2 stands for balance & harmony, 9 is associated with Light-work and 11, is considered a karmic number and is associated with spiritual awakening'. If you add '1+1' together, you get '2' which equates to balance & harmony.
It’s my hypothesis but 2 in my birthday could mean 'restoring balance between mind and heart'.‘ 9', on the other hand, means 'destiny, karma and Light-work'. My birthday number (2+9 =11) means 'spiritual awakening' and that's what I experienced.
As discussed before, my 'spiritual awakening began on Nov' 7th, 2017 with time hitting 11:11pm on the clock'. All 'angel messages' I saw talked about soul's purpose. Your ‘life path & destiny numbers’ define the ‘higher purpose'. My quest of ‘soul’s purpose' led me to my 'higher purpose’.
(Life Path is calculated from the birthdate while destiny from the name on the ‘birth certificate’. These are described under the ‘Purpose of Life’ section of this website)
My life path ‘3’ = creative communication and connecting with others while destiny ‘3/9’ = to inspire motivate, heal and uplift people. Reach ‘higher state of consciousness’ and help others achieve spiritual awareness. My day of birth (March 29th), life path (3) and destiny numbers (3/9) call out for ‘heart based service’.
If I put together four ‘angel numbers’ ....
Angel Number (999 (ending of a cycle, karma, destiny)
Angel Number 111 (new beginning)
Angel Number 710
Angel Number 420
They add up to a ‘heart centric service’.
This website divinesoulpurpose.com is built around the concepts of life path 3 and destiny 3/9 based on the 'angel messages' received from ‘unseen forces'.
It’s very interesting to see how ‘life and higher purpose get pre-determined @birth’ but it can take decades before we understand them (Angel message 777 --- 'the longest journey you take is to find yourself')😀
Final thoughts!
There are multiple ways one could create 'soul centered life'...
(a) Following 'astrology and numerology' and checking with 'your inside'
(b) Or searching 'your inside' from the start and ask 'what would make you happy?'
(c) A life crisis resulting in 'spiritual awakening' leading to a 'soul centered life'
'Spiritual Awakening' could mean 'a fresh start'. 'Fresh start' gets challenging with age and/ or personal situation.
There are 3 ways to live your life..
(1) Live life like most people do
(2)Put 'spirituality' @the center of your life and simplify life with 'spirituality based career'
(3) Live life doing normal jobs with 'spirituality' @the core. This is the 'hardest'
Although I have found it to be true, I feel, ‘life should not be pre-determined’. Universe needs to give everyone ‘equal chance’ to succeed/fail. When I first read Dimitri’s article on ‘Cycles of life under purpose of life section’ on this website, I thought everyone gets fair shot @7 cycles of life. What if ‘a life’ had only '1 cycle' (life didn't change!) that equals '7' for someone else? If you happen to be one of the people whose 'life didn't change through '7' cycles of life' and experience 'spiritual awakening' that points to 'spiritual life', people might think 'you're on the cuckoo side!'😁
Universe needs to change and adapt to human behavior where good gets rewarded and bad punished in the same life.
Where I come from, it is said ‘Law of Karma goes back many lives. It can make person pay for sins in a life that may have been committed many lives before’. There’s problem with ‘soul entering body with predefined experiences’. Human mind in 'any life' has no knowledge of these pre-determined experiences or sins committed in previous lives. What if these experiences are ‘destructive’? How’s human mind supposed to respond to ‘predetermined experiences in the current life?’
If life is 'pre-determined’ then ‘spiritual awakening/ synchronicity through repeat numbers’ need to happen early (mid to late 20s) enough where person gets fair shot @the ‘new start’. Late 20s marks the end of 4th cycle of human life. If you have never been through ‘spiritual awakening’ then let me tell you it could take ‘4-5-6’ years before anything starts to make sense (if at all!)😁This marks the end of 5th cycle (age 35 yrs). A person can @startover @35. Anything afterwards is not only very challenging but also makes things highly complicated.
‘Spiritual Awakenings’ are different for different people. If you ever go through an ‘awakening’ where you encounter ‘end of one cycle and the start of new’, how quickly you bounce back in life depends solely on your ability to find the ‘new path’. Else, you’ll find yourself stuck in it for a long time.
Finding ‘new path’ gets challenging with age. ‘Social pressure, expectations and one’s upbringing’ play major part unless the person makes ‘spirituality’ the center of your life and settle into a ‘spirituality based career’. This is destiny ‘9’ where you let go of the past and pursue a ‘spiritual path!'
‘Spiritual path’ implies you don’t fit into standard 9-5 jobs and that’s life path ‘3’ where most people tend to be writers, actors, musicians or healers.
If you have ‘spiritual awakening’ then that means ‘you didn’t have a normal life’. If/when you come out of it, it won’t be a ‘normal’ life. It’s not so much about whether you have normal life or not as defined by the society. It’s about if ‘you would like to make peace with your past and the universe’. The choice of solution (/‘new path’) will determine that!
Psychics talk/ write about 'angel numbers'. Psychics don't orchestrate 'spiritual awakenings/ appearances of specific numbers' in front of the people. Even if one could do that, I didn't go looking for one. My 'spiritual awakening' has cost me close to 7 years of life. In my experience, 'spiritual awakenings' are not fun. Don't go searching for one!