Life after 'Spiritual Awakening' (P. II )!
'Spiritual Awakening' changes you! It doesn't matter what happens from here, my life won't be the same. It’s very strange everything as written by astrologers, numerologists, psychics and predictions of a palm reader from the earlier days ended up coming true in my life. Based on it, I can say ‘life gets defined even before you are born’.
My 'Fate' of short career (/ or bounce around), late breakup and ‘Family Enmeshment’ (life altering experiences) was sealed through ‘life path (3) and destiny (9) numbers’ and yet the universe took 7 (7) year cycles to do ‘sync-up’ through 'synchronicity messages called angel numbers’ ('Angel numbers' are 'numbers' that appear repeatedly in a persons life. They are related to individuals 'thought patterns' and serve as 'guidance' from the 'higher self'). It makes me think if someone has been watching over me all this time?
My mind has always questioned the 'timing of spiritual awakening'? I had 'spiritual awakening' just as I decided to leave for CA for the 2nd time @the end of 2017. I have always been very career oriented person but everything I learnt through 'awakening/ angel messages' shows my 'life path was not of a standard 9-5 job (an old soul) and that I had 'pre-determined' destiny'. What if I had 'awakening' before I got pushed to CA the 1st time over 2+ decades ago? Would I have gone? The answer is 'no'. I didn't want to go to there in the first place. This would have saved me over two decades of my life. I would have built 'the right life' by now. 'Family Enmeshment' would have ended for me long time ago.
Could have? Should have? Would have 🙄😂🤣 This proves we can't escape 'our Fate’!
‘Spirituality' teaches us ‘Thoughts shape reality. Life is what we create’, and yet, I couldn't. It’s ironic my 'awakening' would coincide with the end of 7th (7) year cycle. Was it delayed because….
(1) I had a 'cycle of life' to finish. The ‘universe’ chose to remain 'silent' during this time.
(2) OR 'The universe' finally thought I had enough loss for one life? Six years prior to my 'awakening', I went through loss of job/ career and 'late beak up' in the matter of (2) years as was predicted. This led to my 'depression' and sunk my mind into a 'dark hole'.
(3) Did I’ve 'awakening' because I, unknowingly, tried to end 'Family Enmeshment'? I learnt about 'FE' after my 'spiritual awakening'.
(4) Was 'delay in the sync-up' due to the belief 'while humans tend to have 7 (7) year cycles as explained in the 'cycles of life' article, spiritual people = old soul = destiny '9' have one cycle'. At the 'end of cycle', they may go through 'spiritual awakening'. It 'awakens' them to 'souls purpose'. This becomes the 'next cycle of life'.
(5) Did ‘the universe’ want to 'protect me' from 'repeating old cycle' all over again?
'Spiritual Awakening' while educational on my 'personality traits', has also helped increase my 'awareness' as to who I am @the soul level. It showed me a way out of the 'cycle of turmoil' by
(1) Starting over on a 'new path'
(2) Pursue 'destiny'
'Starting over on a new path' late in life can be very challenging. You don't get ‘the choice’ of same options in 40s or 50s as in their 20s or early 30s. For me, 2nd option made more sense.... So, I embarked on the 'spiritual path'. I must say, the past 7 years have been more of a 'learning curve' than 'anything real' and '' is the result of it.
I thought 'building of the website' will suffice my 'soul's purpose'? After all, how many people can claim they were able to reach 'destiny' in a lifetime as defined by numerologists and astrologers? I wouldn't have been able to get there myself without help of 'angel numbers'. Although the 'website' has been a fulfilling experience, finding 'mind stimulating work' in my current place has been an 'eternal struggle’. We all have to work irrespective of our 'life path'! (Work becomes optional only if the individual is ‘super wealthy’ or has good 2nd source of income while they go out and pursue their ‘passion’).
I I feel much better today than @the start of 'spiritual awakening' but my life has not 'changed' much. I may give my 'current place a second thought' as I explore 'other options'. Over the past '7' years, I have tried to move forward on 'the new path (with two new jobs) and website built around 'lightwork = soul's purpose' but final outcome has remained the same. 'Family Enmeshment' is @the center of it.
Does 'spiritual awakening' end?
According to some, 'It never ends'! They are probably 'correct' as I still see 'repeat numbers' (not as frequently though!). My 'head' feels much lighter today. I understand my 'life purpose' as defined by numerology and astrology. I intend to pursue it all of my life.
My mind has always been 'in sync' with the heart. If I was unsuccessful in putting a 'balanced life' together then that's explained more by 'spiritual awakening, predictions of a palm reader, numerology and astrology'. Although I never gave up on the idea of 'CA' since the start of 'awakening', I didn't act on 'my thoughts'. In stead, I chose to align 'my thoughts with that of the universe’ and have continued my journey on the 'path of the heart' towards my ‘higher purpose’.
According to psychic Joanne Walmsley 'In order to awaken to your true life purpose, you need to be ready to accept 'change'. Change may come in the form of change in consciousness, a change in belief-sets and/or thought-patterns, career change and a change in life style choices'. If you accept this, the universe will bring you 'opportunities that meet your talents and lead you to ultimate success’.
I have been on the ‘spiritual path’ for the past 7 years now. I don't blame 'the universe' for not bringing me 'opportunities' that meet my talents as my current place simply lacks talent to build 'technology products'. I thought about going back to college but then dropped the idea because of reasons mentioned earlier. An 'opportunity' of different sort showed up couple of years ago but the 'door' was shut as soon as 'my mind' decided to pursue it while 'Family Enmeshment' has continued ‘unscathed’.
Before I continue any further, I must say, Joanne’s blogs are the best. Her writings are concise, to the point and give best possible explanation of ‘numeric patterns’. My life is complicated. No psychic can help you with your ‘Fate’. I recommend Joanne to anyone looking for advice on such matter.
Spiritual Awakening = ‘Call to a Purpose’ ----> Destiny!
‘Spiritual Awakenings’ can lead to your ‘Higher Purpose!’. Most people live life 'born --- school/college --- job -- get married --- buy a house ---- have children -- get them married and then repeat the cycle all over again'. What if there was more to life? According to psychics, ‘# 9 marks completion of a cycle’. It can also mean ‘pursuit of one's destiny = spiritual path'. History is testament where people were 'Called to a Higher Purpose'. They had to make a 'choice'!
Strength comes from the 'Creator'!
Destiny ‘9’ Profile!
If your ‘destiny = 9’, then, you are probably academically smart, educated and intelligent. You believe in the good, and yet, get treated with utmost disrespect in this world. People dislike you for no reason. Some may even hate you. They spread rumors and lies about you, take away your job and destroy your career/ life. Your family hopes for your failure and tries to ‘manipulates’ you in every situation it gets.
Your career gets cut short. Your fail to create a ‘normal life’. You end up losing friends, family and colleagues. The 'universe' does not 'interrupt' as you have a 'cycle to finish'. After everything is lost and no hope left, you experience 'spiritual awakening'. You are told to start all over again @the end of 7th (7) year cycle✌️
Applying this to ‘my situation’,
(1) I have had 'challenging career'. My career was ‘cut short’.
(2) I have experienced multiple 'openings and closings' in my life.
(3) I had to go through multiple breakups (personal and professional)
(4) My family suffers from 'Family Enmeshment'.
(5) I am not 'broke' but find myself way behind the ‘curve’ compared to ‘others’ @this stage of my life.
It’s like ‘the entire universe' is working against you!
I believe, we all have 'challenges'. We have to find ways to 'overcome them'. The most important lesson I’ve learnt in life is to 'plan to be surprised!'😁😁
Life as it stands today:
'Family Enmeshment' has been a big part of my life. Sadly enough, it may be 'the single force' that has determined my life so far. My initial move to CA 2+ decades ago can be attributed to 'FE'. On my return from CA (4) years later, 'FE has to stayed with me'. Ending of my relationship with my 'gf' a decade later can also be attributed to 'FE'. Four years later after 'collapse of life' as I decided to leave for CA for the 2nd time, I experienced 'spiritual awakening'. It pointed to 'an end of cycle and start of the new on a new path (spiritual)' but 'Family Enmeshment' has remained same.
My life, so far, has been a 'nonstop battle' with the universe and my family! 'Spiritual Awakening' hasn't changed that. It’s like 'the universe' is playing 'good cop, bad cop' with me all the time. I am in the middle of some 'spiritual warfare' where 'positive (universe messages) are @war with an uninterrupted destructive force of nature'. This 'force' is behind multiple ‘detours’ in my life which has helped keep ‘FE’ alive.
I refuse to acknowledge 'this force as divine'. 'Divine = happiness, peace, prosperity and growth’. Interventions of this 'unidentified force' have been ‘destructive to downright chaotic’ for my life. ‘Family Enmeshment and/or soul ties' are very detrimental to one's life. You can live your life 'by the book', yet, things will ‘constantly go wrong' and you won't be able to explain them. It's like 'spiritual awakening'. Who will understand? How many people have it?
I stand behind all my life decisions! I thought life/ universe may have had different plans as explained by astrology and numerology. The purpose of ‘spiritual awakening’ is to find 'soul’s purpose!' I have tried that too over the past '7' years. ( I haven’t made any 'YouTube videos or started a channel’. I am not sure if I want to do that).
Final thoughts:
How does 'universe' expect someone to break free from 'generational curses, family enmeshment etc.' when it's 'the universe' that put them in 'the first place through life path and destiny numbers'? It, then, takes 'an eternity' (7 (7) years cycles) to make person ‘aware’ of them. When you try to break free, ‘the universe’ with ‘unfair advantage to read thoughts' is quick to @close 'the path' (I have ample evidence that substantiates my theory!). If ‘Family Enmeshment’ was ‘emotional manipulation’, I'd end it in 2 minutes. But, if it's ‘spiritual’ (a soul tie), then, ‘only you’ can free us from it.
This is my ‘surrender’—- Only thing left is to 'pray'!
If ‘agreed upon soul contracts’ determine ‘human life’ then shouldn’t ’numeric pattern sync up’ happen by the end of 4th cycle of life (age 28!) as explained in the ‘cycles of life’ article on this website? That’s where most ‘humans’ start to lay down foundation for the 'rest of their’ life. I am not saying ‘sync ups' in the 40s or 50s are any less 'significant'. The question is what can you do with it besides becoming a 'spiritual teacher = healer= destiny '9' = Angel Number 1234 ---> 1+2+3+4 = 10 = 1+0= 1 = 'new path' = You have come through the whole circle'?
This is how you become ‘1' with the 'higher consciousness' and get 'divine guidance/ (messages)' out to the masses. This marks the beginning of 'new purpose of life' and leads to a 'Soul Centered Life'!
Note: People from 'all age groups' have 'spiritual awakenings'. If you are an 'old soul = destiny '9', you may have to wait until the end of the '7th (7 year) cycle' as explained under the 'cycles of life' article on this website.
'Awakenings' are different for different people. Everyone has to search for their own answers! My 'life path/destiny' = 3/9 = 'Creative Humanitarian' ---> Destiny '9' ---> To reach higher state of consciousness and help others achieve 'spiritual awareness'.
It doesn’t matter where I go from here, my 'unrelenting thirst' for better future will never quench!