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What is Numerology?

Numerology is pseudoscientific belief in the divine or mystical relationship between a number and one or more coinciding events. (6).jpg

Have you heard of 'numerology' before? Do you see the 'same numbers' all the time?


I began to see 'repeat numbers' in Nov' 2017 as I made my decision on move back to silicon valley. I was facing difficult 'life altering' choices @that time. I was struggling to make my decision. My mind wasn't much help. It kept bouncing from one bad situation to another in an 'endless loop'.


Have you felt like this before?


I thought changing places would provide me with much needed 'fresh start' but then suddenly I began to notice these numbers. I'd wake up in the middle of night and see 1:11 or 1:23 or 2:22 or 3:33 on the clock. I didn't pay much attention to them @the beginning but then began to notice them everywhere on car plates, store receipts to the point. It felt like as if they were following me day or night with 11, 22, 33, 44, 55, 66, 77, 88, 99, 111, 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, 777, 888, 999,123, 234, 345, 456, 310, 510, 710, 711, 1010, 1212, 1234, 1111, 4444 and 9999.

In order to look for answers, I turned to my new laptop and googled for the 'meaning of 123'. To my surprise, a number of articles popped up and referred to it as 'Angel Number 123' (I am not much of a religious type let alone spiritual. I always thought being religious was same as spiritual but later found that to be untrue). As I browsed over various articles (11,22,123 etc.), they told me lots of things like letting go of the past, staying positive and look for a fresh start etc. Constant and frequent display of these numbers (positive thoughts) proved out to be very therapeutic for my brain as it finally began to 'open up'. It took me about 4 months to realize the numbers were related to my 'thought patterns' and I needed to read about them ASAP @the time of their occurrence. The articles were the answer to the thoughts in my mind. These numbers were guiding me to towards a 'life path' and this is how I found about 'numerology'.

Later while searching on you-tube, I found out I was going through 'spiritual awakening'. I started to work on this website in Feb' 2021, little over 3 years after my first encounter of theses numbers. The 'numbers' were guiding me towards my 'soul's purpose' and decided to call the website ''.


You might wonder why I took so long to do it? I learnt 'mind is a very powerful thing' and if it is not aligned with the 'soul's true purpose' (which happens to be true in my case), it'll fight back with everything it's got.  I'll discuss more about my experiences in various sections as we go along.

I am not an expert on 'numerology or astrology'. I am merely trying to share my own personal experience with 'Angel Numbers' and how they helped me clarify lot personal situations in my life and lead me to 'true purpose of life'.

I decided to create this website to help people who might be in similar situation.

  1. This site is about 'how everything is connected?'

  2. It's about 'how thoughts shape reality'. It's important to have positive thoughts at all times (this coming from a person who has spent the last decade or more fighting darkness and negative thoughts). I remember saying earlier that 'my mind got stuck in a loop'. I'll discuss more in the 'Life path and Destiny number' section on 'why' this happened?

  3. It's about understanding and finding 'Life's true purpose' (I still struggle with what people might say about 'I see numbers')😁

What is 'Numerology'?


In simple term, 'numerology is the study of numbers'. You can uncover information about yourself and others by using it. Numerology is based on the idea that 'the universe is a system' and once broken down we are left with the basic elements, which are numbers. These numbers can then be used to help us understand ourselves better. Numerology is a language that allows us to expand horizon of our 'spiritual awareness'. It opens doors in our psyche that we didn't know existed.

Numerology most frequently practiced today is based on the teachings of the ancient Greek philosopher, Pythagoras. He believed the physical world was the amalgamation of the energetic vibrations of numbers, and developed a system that corresponded letters with integers. Numerology deals, for most part, with the single digit numbers 1 through 9. The information below shows the letters and their numerical value.

A, J, S = 1

B, K, T = 2

C, L, U = 3

D, M, V = 4

E, N, W = 5

F, O, X  = 6

G, P, Y= 7

H, Q, Z = 8

I, R= 9

Numerology is used as a method to understand one's nature, talents and life goals, opportunities and challenges (what people in the 'tech world' call as SWOT analysis). It describes cycles one experience during the course of life, and offers guidance on career, romance and prosperity. Numerology is a self-help tool, providing meaningful advice for all types of situations.

What information do you need?

All you need is your date of birth (month, day and year) and your full name (first, middle (if any) and last name) as it appears on to your birth certificate.

Effect of 'changing name'?

The effect of changing name can be considerable. My parents went through a religious ceremony and came out with a name (birth certificate) but I used to fall sick all the time. After consultations, it was agreed I needed a 'new' first name. After my name was changed, I stopped falling sick. That doesn't mean I didn't catch cold or flu (Flu shot stopped that)😁 but you know what I mean.

Changing names is not considered 'complete' until new name is fully integrated in our 'subconscious'. It can happen during any of the 7 year cycles of life as discussed under 'cycles of life' article under the 'Life Purpose' section of this website. Changing names can have profound effect on 'destiny number' and I'll go into more details in the 'Life path and Destiny number' sections. 

This section was written as an 'intro to numerology and it's value proposition'. I'll continue with much more detailed analysis of numerology in other sections.

If you happen to witness 'repeat numbers' during your lifetime then know that it's your 'choice' as to whether to pay attention to them or not. If you decide to explore them then it's not only important to 'read and understand about individual numbers/ messages' but also to put them 'in the context all other numbers' on what the universe is trying to communicate to us.

The 'key' to understanding these messages is to

  1. Quiet your mind (this is not easy!)

  2. Be 100% honest with yourself (otherwise, you'll not get the right answer)

  3. Let your own heart, soul and intuition guide you to the right answers (no 'mind' here)

  4. Do not let thinking of 'others' influence/cloud your judgement in any way.

  5. In simple terms, 'Be true to Yourself!'

I've been on this road/ journey of 'spiritual awakening/ clarity as to true purpose of life' for a little over 4 years now and trust me when I say 'It's not going to be easy at all!' It gets really bad before it gets better. 'Spiritual Awakening' is about finding 'Life's Purpose and Mission' and if your mind and heart are/were not in sync (which happens to be in my case), it'll get really 'ugly to downright nasty'. 'War' will break out between 'mind and soul for the control of body and future direction of Life'. I'll touch more on this in the 'Spiritual Awakening and Dark night of the Soul' section.

If, for some reason, sighting of these numbers eludes you, don't lose 'heart' on it. It is possible you may already be serving

  1. Your 'True Divine Life Purpose'

  2. You may have already built 'Life based on heart, soul and intuition'.

  3. You are headed in the right direction

In this case, you can 'choose' to (or not) browse information on this website. If you decide to give it a shot, it should make for an 'interesting' read😁😁

Before I move on to the next section, I'd like to suggest importance of striking balance between mind, body and soul (I'll discuss more of it in the 'Balancing Mind, Body and Soul' section). If one lacks this internal balance or loose it along the way, it could lead to a state of 'complete indecisiveness' and 'analysis/paralysis path'.  Try not to think too much and take life as it comes.

As you go through this website, you'll understand that 'the universe' or something out there is communicating to us through numbers. It's our choice whether we choose to listen to it or not . If you do, it may ask you to do something you may have never done before and that won't make things any easier. Whatever you may choose to call these numbers, they are messages of positivity and never asked me to anything wrong.

My mind wanted to 'go back' since the path I thought was right for me (heart) didn't pan out. These messages tell me to continue to move forward in the current direction and find a 'new' path as the path of my mind is something I've already tried and didn't think was 'ideal' for me. I've been shown a 'new' path but it's not an easy path. This path requires a lot of  trust and faith in the 'divine'. My mind, based on experiences of the life so far, believes 'trust and faith is for the 'next life.


Hans Decoz with Tom Monte: Numerology "The Key to Your Inner Self"

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