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Spirituality: Path to 'New Life!' Do 'Universal Energies' give wrong advice?

I was on Facebook the other day and someone in a group said 'My Angel is giving me wrong advice'. I responded to the group by saying 'Angels (or 'spirit guides/ universal energies') don't give wrong advice'. The reasons being

(1) Numeric Patterns/ Angel Numbers want what's best for an individual and the 'humanity'.

(2) Angels have a much larger 'database of information' (past, present and future) available @their disposal than what a 'human mind or one life' can comprehend.

(3) They may suggest a 'path/ (change)' that 'human mind' might consider hard to follow, which in turn, leads to 'Wisdom Of Heart' v/s the 'Wisdom Of Mind' battle. I don't consider mind to be always 'wrong' but thoughts need to be monitored as 'thoughts shape reality'.

'Universal energies' answer most questions but then @times explain things @the higher level. For example, they may tell you to leave the past behind without getting into specific experience from the past. In other words, they may not answer every 'why' question of a human mind. Spirituality shows a way 'to re-architect life' around 'soul's purpose'. Spirituality becomes the '(new) state of mind'. 'Spiritual Awakening' is the 'process of revelation' of authentic self '@the soul level'. It shows and teaches us to build life around our new 'findings/discovery'.

Cost: You could be asked to shed your old self (mind /ego).

According to psychic Joanne Walmsley 'Serving 'Divine Life (soul) Purpose' is not going to be easy. In order to awaken your true life’s purpose you need to be to accept ‘change’. Change may come in the form of a change in consciousness, a change in belief-sets and/or thought-patterns, a distinct career change, a change in lifestyle choices'

Let's take a deeper dive into that.

Angel Numerology:

'Angel Numerology' is defined as 'the number theory with numbers as factors that determine life and destiny of a person'. For example, I was born on March 29th with 'Life Path and Destiny Number of 3/3'. Shortly after my birth, I went through a 'name change' which equates to 'Life Path and Destiny of 3/9'. Some psychics believe 'name change' has no effect on the 'destiny' of the person while others suggest profound effect on an individual destiny. 'Name change' equates to 'minor expression number' while major stays the same corresponding to the 'name' on your birth certificate (For people interested in 'Life Path and Destiny Numbers', I suggest read 'Life Path and Destiny Number' sections under the 'Purpose of Life' section on this website). 'Expression Number' is nothing but 'Destiny Number'. 'Name change' introduces elements of 'new destiny' in your life.

'Level Of Change':

I began to witness repetitive numbers around November 7th, 2017. There's been no let up since except the 'level of intensity' has diminished quite a bit. It all relates to my 'thoughts' if my thoughts are aligned with the so called 'angel numbers' or if 'my thoughts' start to waver in a different direction/path (I've discussed lot of it in my earlier blogs).

One of the numbers I see quite often is '9' or some iterations of it like '99, 999 or 9999'. My curiosity of 'seeing repetitive numbers' led me to Joanne's blog on 'Angel Number 9' ( /2011/06/angel-number-9.html). As you read through this blog, you'll notice 'number 9 stands for universal love, spiritual laws, spiritual awakening, light-working/ lightworkers, soul purpose/ mission. 'Angel Number 9' is a sign from the angels that your life path and soul mission involve being of service to humanity through the use of your natural skills and talents. 'Angel Number 9' suggests that you are a natural lightworker and encourages you to look to ways to serve others in positively uplifting ways'.

Needless to say, each of those words led me to my search on 'spiritual awakening', 'lightworkers' or 'soul's purpose/ mission' on 'you-tube and the internet'. That's how I knew I was going through 'spiritual awakening' and my 'higher purpose was in my date of birth and the destiny (expression) numbers'. My interest in the word 'lightworker' led me to Bethany's article on Lightworkers ( Her article introduced me to '11 types of lightworkers' with one as 'messengers' who see repetitive numbers. Their job is to get messages out to the real world. It took about '4 years' before I embarked on the journey of creation of this website.

While Joanne's blog on 'Angel Number 9' introduced the concept of 'Lightworkers' to me, it was Bethany's blog on 'Lightworkers' that explained 'who and what lightworkers are and as to their purpose in life'. My interest in trying to understand things further took me to Felicia Bender and Aliza Kelly's websites on 'Life Path and Destiny Numbers'

They helped me understand about my 'Life Path Number 3' ( and 'Destiny Numbers of 3/9' (

That's how I knew while 'Life Path of 3' stands for 'communication, self expression and connecting with people', 'Destiny Number 3' means 'inspiring, motivating, healing and uplifting people'. 'Destiny 9' means 'reaching higher state of consciousness and teaching others how to reach this spiritual awareness'.

My quest of 'Life Path and Destiny Numbers' led me to my local 'Barnes and Noble' store to a book by Hans Decoz and Tom Monty on 'Numerology: The key to inner self'. These are some of the excerpts from their book

29 Birth Day:

'You are very intuitive and creative. Your intuition is a 'gift' along with powerful drive to know the oneness of all things. You have fine mind and keen insights, but these do not come as a result of logic or rational thought. On some level, you know that you are in the hands of destiny, and that you must 'surrender' to the higher powers that shape your life. Look for ways to help others and convey larger message of harmony and insight with which you were blessed'.

I consider this last sentence as a reference to 'spiritual awakening & learning about Lightworkers'. It ties well into 'my Life Path and Destiny Numbers'. Seeing repetitive numbers and getting them out (Life Path 3) to others would constitute as destiny 3/9.

This led to the inception of on November 2021. As you can see, it's quite different from a career in 'Product Management of defining and launching of high tech products'😁

Final thoughts..

Most people live life through 'head in reactionary mode while reacting to various situation of life'. They rarely take time to think 'why it happened to them or why their life is the way it is or why I am not happy or have fulfilment in life'. Astrology, Numerology, Spirituality, Religions and repetitive numeric patterns (called 'angel numbers') show another way to 'create life'.

We can 'choose' to cleanse life @the 'mind' or the 'spiritual level'. One has to be careful as 'mind can be selfish'. Hence, we have to monitor our thoughts as 'thoughts shape reality'. On the other hand, 'Spiritual' can get very 'complex' and may require a 'fresh start' when we understand who we are @the 'soul level' and then 'co-create new life/ (reality)' with the Universe. 'Path of Spirituality' requires we 'master' our mind. I find it strange but in some weird way, 'Path to Spirituality goes through the human mind'. To reach 'higher state of consciousness, we've to learn to 'concur' our minds first.

Now, getting back to the start of this blog 'If Angels (/ universal energies) give wrong advice?' In my opinion, 'They don't. They show another 'path' to life but the shown path may not be an easy one to follow. To understand 'angel messages', you've to be able to separate 'thoughts in your head' from 'your own intuition as it relates to the desires of your heart'.

'Spiritual Awakening' (or spirituality through repetitive numbers) is a sort of 'frequency' you tune into during your lifetime. Once you're tapped into this 'channel', you receive 'constant (non-stop) divine guidance' which may or may not be in tune with your thoughts (mind). Turning on to this 'channel' leads to a 'path' to better community, better neighborhood, better society and a better world.

Psychics tell you 'to align your thoughts with the Universe and co-create the new reality'. While 'mind' may find it hard to forgive, 'heart, soul, intuition, religions & spirituality' are all about 'forgiveness'.


Dana Stjernfelt
Dana Stjernfelt
Aug 10, 2024

Great read! But please, do not confuse angel numbers with life path numbers. They are not the same thing. Here's an interesting read:

Paranormal Activity: The Truth Seeker
Paranormal Activity: The Truth Seeker
Aug 21, 2024
Replying to

Dana, You are absolutely correct. Angel Numbers and ‘Life path’ are not the same. Angel numbers like 123 or 234 or 1212 are ‘messages’. What I have said throughout all my blogs is that Angel Numbers or Angel Messages’ have ‘directed’ me to my ‘Life Path and Destiny Numbers’.

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