Life: An Unraveling Mystery!
We are all born on a day with 'life path & destiny numbers that somehow end up defining our unique life altering experiences and the purpose of our life’. Psychics believe these parameters the reasons for our existence here on earth. Sometimes, things are so apparent, that people with belief in numerology and astrology, figure this out instantaneously @the moment of child birth. Then, there are others like me, with little or no faith in numerology or astrology have to go through a ‘cycle of life’ and learn about it through 'spiritual awakening’. This led to the creation of
Spiritual Awakening: The Mystical World Of 'Higher Consciousness’!
I thought I was done writing about 'spiritual awakening' when I came across this article and wanted to share it with everyone here
This article by Christine Breese is right on the money and discusses all the benefits and challenges of a 'spiritual awakening'. A few takeaways from the article are...
(1) 'Spiritual Awakening' is about facing unresolved issues.
(2) It's about letting go of old patterns and beliefs. This can be challenging as these beliefs may have been deeply ingrained. They may have provided a sense of security and stability. They may also be tied to one’s identity and sense of self.
(3) Loss of identity: 'Spiritual Awakening' can lead to a sense of disorientation as one tries to find the 'new path'.
(4) Resistance from the EGO and the 'Fear of the unknown'.
(5) Don't resist change as ‘change is inevitable’. This is precisely why people see 'repeat numbers as numbers try to change 'human thoughts'. Remember, thoughts shape reality and actions have consequences!
(6) Process of ‘spiritual awakening’ leads to confusion, anger, uncertainly and emotional turmoil.
(7) Loneliness and isolation: 'Spiritual Awakening' is a solitary experience. It’ll be challenging to find people who understand it. The process may lead you to question your relationships and social circles because you are no longer a vibrational match with the same people, places and situations. You may end up losing friends as relationships change. This can leave you feeling isolated and lonely as you try to find a new sense of community. You may feel lost as feelings of emptiness kicks in.
(8) Anxiety and panic attacks
(9) Physical symptoms
(10) Facing the 'shadow self'
'Spiritual Awakening’ while difficult and challenging is a transformative and rewarding process. It leads to greater sense of awareness, clarity, and fulfillment in life. It is important to remember while challenges can be difficult, they’re natural part of the awakening process. If you are experiencing difficulties during 'spiritual awakening', remember to be gentle and compassionate with yourself. Trust challenges you are facing are part of your journey toward greater awareness and growth.
As you progress through 'awakening', it might lead you to a completely different 'purpose of life'. I say, ‘spiritual awakening’ is where the universe throws an entire enchilada of the life @you and asks you to figure it out!
Spiritual Awakening: Spiritual alignment & balancing of ‘Energy Chakras’ through numeric patterns called ‘Angel Numbers’!
‘Angel Numbers’ are nothing but ‘messages’ created through various combinations of digits 0..9 as defined by numerology. People who may be new to this, numerology is the ‘study of numbers'. It helps you find information about yourself and others. Numerology is based on the idea, that the universe is a system and once broken down we are left with the basic elements, which are numbers. Numbers are used to help understand ourselves better.
‘Numerology is a language’ that allows us to expand horizon of 'spiritual awareness'. It opens doors in our psyche that we didn't know existed. I began to witness 'angel messages' @the end of 2017. My curiosity of 'angel messages' led me to my 'life path and destiny numbers of 3 & 3/9' (a lot of this is already discussed in the other blogs).
This picture below depicts humans as digits in a 'digital universe' while picture right after
shows 'human connection with higher self receiving guidance (spiritual alignment) through using numeric patterns called angel numbers' leading to 'balancing of the chakras'
inside human body as shown below. Imbalance in the energy centers called 'chakras' is not only detrimental for the person but also to the world around them (If you’d like to know more about chakras and their roles, you can read all about it in the 'balancing of mind, body & soul' article under the 'purpose of life' section on this website).
Imagine a world where 'all forms of life' is represented as some combination of digits that can be arranged & rearranged for 'desired outcome'? Psychics believe everything is energy. As universe senses shift in our energy a direct result of change in our ‘thoughts’, it intervenes and tries to change 'digital pattern' that constitutes us through a 'reset' (people begin to see 'numeric patterns called angel numbers').
I was born on March 29th with 'life path and destiny of 3 & 3/9', and yet, I had done nothing leading up to my ‘awakening' to accomplish my ‘life purpose' as defined by numerologists, psychics and astrologers. That means, whenever this 'reset' finally manifests itself in my life, it was going to be a painful experience. You suddenly realize half of your life is already over and I didn't even start on what I was supposed to do. Worse, I may have to throw away an entire life and start all over again😁This makes mind 'really mad’. As I followed these numbers, they led me to a completely different outcome/ destiny. This became my 'spiritual awakening'.
Is ‘spiritual awakening’ a ‘gift’? How to make peace with it?
It can be a ‘gift'. It's how you choose to see it. It takes time before you figure it out😀Most people will tell you 'awakening' is difficult and painful. I have been through one and continue to do so. You will stay in it until you do what it tells you to do which may or may not be easy depending on your individual situation and/or obligations.
In my case, I was pointed to a ‘fresh start and life path & destiny numbers of 3 and 3/9'.
Life Path ‘3’ is about creativity, communications and connecting with people while destiny ‘3/9' calls out to 'inspire, motivate, heal and uplift people. To reach higher state of consciousness and help others reach spiritual awareness'. My 'day of birth 29', according to the book 'Numerology: Key to Inner self', talks about forming ‘divine connection @some point in life, receiving guidance and sharing it with rest of the world'.
No matter what happens from here but it sure feels good to see I was born with 'life Path & destiny numbers' like everyone else and I found a way to get that done in my life with help of 'repeat numeric patterns called angel numbers'✌️
Astrology, numerology and palmistry not only help explain basic traits of our personality but also shed light on our life experiences like jobs/career, relationships, family enmeshment, beginning and ending of 'cycles of life' etc. I always thought I was in control of my life. If something didn't pan out, I'd 'change the course’. As I stand today, I realize my life so far has ended up as defined by ‘the three parameters of day of birth, life path and destiny numbers'🙏
I consider this website a 'divine science project'. I hope it helps people find answers. It’s amazing to see how accurate astrologers and numerologists can be in their work. I feel people born to a 'higher purpose' need to have an early 'awakening'. This way, they know what their life’s all about (purpose) and can get on with it. If 'Fate' waits too long, it can make things more complicated and challenging.
‘Spiritual Awakenings’ in the 20s and early 30s are lot easier to handle than 40s and beyond. ‘Angel Messages’ as written today don’t take take age or financial situation of people into consideration. Most people in their 40s and upwards have already ‘started their life’. They may choose not to ‘opt for a reset of life as reset of one life could mean reset for the entire family’ unless family happens to be financially well-off or have another source of decent income. If someone ‘opts not to go with the reset’, would then the universe count that as ‘bad karma’?
Starting over in life is not easy. It requires one to find ‘new path/ career’ that interests/ excites and motivates them. Finding 'new path' through life can be challenging. What if mind fails to adjust to 'new path', would the universe understand 'human conundrum'? Should mind pick 'random new path' in order to make peace with 'spirituality and the past'? I tried 'random paths' for few years. Although universe thought this to be the 'right thing to do', it made my mind very unhappy as it didn't agree with 'change of career and low compensation'. This again led to 'an imbalance of the mind from the heart'. Universe responded with 'message 123' to 'stay with the heart and look for new (path) career'.
'Angel Messages' as written today support the notion of 'aligning thoughts with the heart at all times'. There's nothing wrong with that. New path can be ‘spiritual path’ if the person destiny happens to be '9= humanitarian work’. My ‘day of birth' points to a surrender to a 'predetermined destiny'. My mind thinks, although, this whole experience makes for an interesting 'abstract hypothesis', there’s no substitute for a real tangible job/career.
According to my 'math & science brain', it's not hard to assign values to numbers 0..9 and then write about them (Angel Messages!) that lead to 'life path and destiny numbers'. What my mind fails to explain is ‘the frequent appearance of repeat numbers under certain thought patterns’? Numerologists, psychics and palm readers can’t make numbers appear in front of the people. All the numbers I’ve seen so far, point to an 'ending of a cycle and beginning of the new on a new path of balance, harmony and destiny while making peace with my past'. Theoretically speaking, this shouldn't be so hard to do but sometimes things are not that simple.
As we go through challenges in life, it’s important to ask ‘is it the person, people or some lesson from the universe?' This is the only way we can respond correctly in a situation. We won't solve any problem until we get to the 'source' of it.
Spirituality is based on the idea ‘we’re souls having human experience, hence, we need to create a soul centered life'. ‘Awakening’ is different for different people. Mine is about re-connecting with my inner self (the higher self) heart, soul, spirit and intuition and move towards a 'new path’.
Spirituality is a disruptive force. If you let it in your life, it may destroy everything you ever created. It’ll take you to places you never thought existed. It may ask you to do things you never imagined. In the end, you are left with some hard choices
(1) Start a ‘new life on a new path’. This is where you ‘accept’ higher version of yourself and begin to evaluate 'any' future actions under your ‘new found purpose and create new life’. There is nothing wrong with it.
(2) ‘Push for new limits’ as one tries to fulfill his/her ‘new found purpose’
(3) Ignore it and go on with the 'old life'
Spirituality helps in human evolution. The question is 'How evolve you want to get?'
Spirituality helps attain 'higher levels of consciousness'. The question is 'How high you’d like to go?'
Time is relative. We don’t get to chose our time..
Spirituality is a 'state of mind’. Destiny '9’ holds the power to liberate humans of all earthly possessions leading on the 'path of spiritual teaching/ healer'.
Destiny ‘9’ is a journey where you go from trusting everyone to no one in the same life. Nothing will make sense. This is where you are told to leave the past behind and take the ‘new path’😁 If you ever experience an ‘end (Angel number 999) of a life cycle and start (Angel number 111) of the new in the middle of life', your life will never be the same. 'Spiritual Awakening’ can last 5-10 years. You’ll grow but there’s no remedy for the lost time, money or life.
The clip below shows another reason why people see 'repeat numbers'. A demon doesn’t always translate into what you watch in the movies. It can be an ‘unhealthy/ unwanted or non optimal thought/ thoughts’. Maybe, the universe knows better as it tries to change ‘human thoughts’? Maybe, we are all destined for something better than what we choose to do. I compare ‘Spiritual Awakening' to reprogramming of human mind’. It's not easy to do that😁.
I have been witnessing 'repeat numbers' for a long time. When it comes to 'spirituality', there's only 'one way'. The biggest roadblock 'holding human evolution along the spiritual path is the human mind'.
Final thoughts!
The two most important lessons I've learnt so far are
(a) Plan to be surprised
(b) Think different
In spirituality, we can’t move forward with 'head misaligned from heart and heart is always right'.
What if a human mind (/thoughts) was perfectly aligned with the heart all it's life but things still went haywire? Spirituality calls it 'Fate or the cycle of life'. It'll ask you to 'end one and start new on a new path'. In spirituality, 'time is a relative thing. We don't get to choose our time'.
It is 'Spiritual Awakening’ that helped open my eyes to 'Family Enmeshment'. I am not sure if anyone has had any personal experience with it. ‘FE has the potential to derail the natural progression of life'. I can count 6 different occasions where 'FE' could have ended for me. It, in stead, found a way to stay in my life. People with destiny '9' have to find a way to overcome it. If your ‘destiny = 9’, you’ll asked to give something very close to your ego. In my case, it’ll be my career.
It is important to remember, there’re things that get decided in the 'spiritual realm before child birth or before soul takes on a body' that we don't quite understand. Understanding this can help shed light on the reasons behind current challenges in our life. Numerology and Astrology 'predict ways' to overcome them. 'Synchronicity through repeat numbers can be a sign'. In my experience, thoughts being aligned with the heart to create ‘desired reality’ is not enough. 'Fate' determines lots of things.
According to psychic, Joanne Walmsley, ( 07489058314237780607) 'In order to awaken to your true life’s purpose you need to be ready to accept ‘change’. Change may come in the form of a change in consciousness, a change in belief-sets and/or thought-patterns, a distinct career change, a change in lifestyle choices’. ('.
'Spiritual Awakening' is a 'solitary' experience. It is important to understand your life was not like others with ‘natural 7 cycles of life’ as explained under the ‘purpose of life’ section of this website. My mind doesn’t question the ‘teachings/ wisdom of spirituality’. It questions the ‘timing’ of it. The solutions offered through ‘awakening’ are no cakewalk.
As of now, I don’t intend to visit any 'spiritual teachers’ as discussed in the article at the start of this blog or make any YouTube videos. There are multiple ways one can choose to serve his/her life's purpose.