Angel Message '555' (Agent Of Change) & Destiny ‘9’
According to psychic Joanne Walmsley, 'In order to awaken to your true life's purpose, you need to be able to accept 'change'. Change may come in the form of a change in consciousness, a change in belief-sets and/or thought patterns, a distinct career change, a change in lifestyle choices'.
I am not sure if the readers of the blog have had any experience with 'spiritual awakening' but if you ever do, then, 'change could mean one, many or all' as mentioned above. It's hard for 'mind to accept life in terms of cycles' where 'one cycle ends and second begins' in the same life. Mind has to 'switch' from whatever life it had created to the new as shown by 'spiritual awakening'. It’s easier if 'awakening' happens earlier in life as mind hasn't had time to build anything yet.
'Spiritual Awakenings' are different for different people. My 'awakening' is all about 'soul's purpose and mission'. As my mind struggles due to age, financial situation, the 'life I had' or societal expectations, ‘spirituality’ will tell you to ignore everything and follow your own path!
Numerology of ‘day of birth and the life’...
I was born on March 29th with 'Life Path and Destiny of 3/3'. Destiny '9' found its way into my life due to a 'name change' @very early stage in my life (probably, under the age of 5!). In 'numerology', number ‘2’ stands for 'balance & harmony', 3 for 'creative communication/ connecting with people', 9 for 'end of a cycle --- beginning of the new on a new path, light-work, destiny, karma' etc.
In 'numerology', everything gets reduced to a single digit unless it happens to be 11, 22 or 33. Those are considered as 'master numbers and carry higher vibration/ purpose'.
Applying this logic to my 'day of birth 29' means 2 + 9 = 11 = 2. '11' implies 'spiritual awakening'. My 'day of birth, destiny and year of birth' all include number '9'. My 'Life path' as calculated from 'date of birth’ equates to ‘3'.
While 'life path' shows experiences, 'destiny' is the goal one 'aspire' to accomplish in the life.
Looking @the numbers means 'my life is about balance & harmony (2), light-work (9), creative communication (3) and achieving a destiny of '3/9' = Inspire, motivate, heal and uplift people. To reach higher state of ‘consciousness’ & help others achieve 'spiritual awareness'. My spiritual awareness came through 'spiritual awakening (repeat numbers)' and 'spiritual awakening' = 11 as explained above. Destiny ‘3/9 = Creative Humanitarian’.
Destiny '9' stands for 'end of cycle and start of the new and Light-work'. Before one can do 'light-work', they have to experience life like others with one ‘caveat’. If your destiny is ‘9’, you may only experience ‘1 cycle (spiritual) of life than 7’ as experienced by others (source: ’Cycles of life’ article under ‘Purpose of Life’ section on this website). 'Light-workers' may eventually experience 'spiritual awakening' which leads them to the 'next phase of their life = higher purpose = the destiny'!
What I described above is the 'numerology version of my life as determined on the day of the birth'. We don’t get to ‘choose' it. We don't control any of it! The fact this happened to me proves it can happen to anyone from any religion!
I was born an 'Aries'. 'Aries' are prone to ‘mind v/s heart' battles. The question is 'who'll win in the end’😀
Life: As I tried to build without 'astrology, numerology or palmistry'…
The shorter version of my ‘life story' is (I've discussed it @great length in other blogs.)...
I moved to 'the US to pursue higher studies' long time ago. I have a Bachelor in Physics and MS in Computer Science. For over (2) decades, I have tried to 'build a normal life' but have been unsuccessful at it. I was never much of a fan of 'astrology or numerology' but lot of what has happened to me is explained by it. This does not mean I have made poor choices. I stand behind all my decisions. It's just that 'astrology and numerology provide a different view of life'. They help explain 'challenges we face throughout in our life’. They may also point to an 'alternative (higher) purpose of the life'.
Over the last 'decade' or so..
(1) My career has taken a major setback as described in the blog here..
(2) I experienced a late relationship break as 'predicted' by a ‘palm reader’ in my teens.
(3) They happen to coincide @the some time. It led to my 'collapse' and loss of interest in life.
(4) This brought up the 'mind v/s heart' battle issue that 'Aries' are known for in their life.
(5) Just as I decided to leave for California in Nov'2017 for the second time, I experienced 'spiritual awakening through repeat (angel) numbers'.
It all started on the night of Nov 7th, 2017 with time on the clock reaching 11.11pm. The numbers (1111 and others) continued to track me during daytime. My curiosity of 'angel numbers' led me to my 'life path and destiny numbers', and finally, to my 'higher purpose of life' (Again, all this is discussed @great length in other blogs)
People with destiny '9' are known to suffer from 'Family Enmeshment' issue. Enmeshment is a concept in psychology and psychotherapy introduced by Salvador Minuchin to describe families where personal boundaries are diffused, sub-systems undifferentiated, and over-concern for others leads to a loss of autonomous development.
My family suffers from it. My interest in 'astrology & numerology' led me to it. What 'baffles' my mind is the notion that universe can actually architect 'family member lives' with a such 'destructive behavior'? I can think of 'six' different instances (3 natural & 3 forced) where 'FE' could have ended for me. In stead, an ‘outside force' has managed to keep it alive in my life so far.
Is 'Family Enmeshment' related to 'Soul Ties'?
I wonder if the universe deliberately ‘architected’ my life with 'short career and late breakup' so that 'FE' could stay in my life? The universe also designed my life in 'cycles with one cycle as constituting issues and second where I try to overcome them'. End of '1st cycle 7 years ago (Nov 7th, 2017) marks the beginning of the 2nd with 'awakening’ through repeat numbers'.
I am not going to say I have completely given up on the idea of California yet. Even after many setbacks, I believe 'New England' offers better quality of life! While New England offers better family life, California is 'more suitable' for my talents and skillsets. Move to CA puts me @odds with the ‘desires of the heart’. Hence, the struggle for 'balance & harmony (2)'😁
Spirituality is all about restoring balance between mind, heart, soul and the spirit. In order to make ‘peace with the past’, I need to make a ‘fresh start’ but fresh starts gets harder with ‘age’. More importantly, 'mind has to be interested in the new career opportunity' for spirituality to be able to accomplish it's goal of 'balance and harmony'✌️
'Spiritual Awakening through repeat numbers' has been an amazing experience so far. It is asking me to 'trust and follow my heart (once again), listen to the intuition and make peace with my past' with a 'fresh start' in life.
I have taken a number of ‘new initiatives’ over the past 7 years since the start of ‘awakening’ but ‘life hasn't quite yet come together' for me. Part of challenge could be 'human conditioning and upbringing'. From where I come, society expects person to be a doctor, lawyer, banker or an engineer. Guess what, 'the universe and 'world of spirituality' may have different plans for me’😁
Spirituality works @the soul level. That’s different from how people grow up in a society or ‘society specific expectations.’
I’d love to make 'peace with the past and the universe'. An alternative would be to pursue 'my destiny full time’. My 'mind' is not opposed to 'the idea of a healer’. I just need to decide the 'manner in which do it'. When it comes to 'spirituality', there's only one way! To 'leave the past behind and start new cycle on a new path'! The 'change' it talks about is the 'change' mentioned @the very start of this blog.
Watchful Eyes Of Spirituality: The universe reads our thoughts and answers back!
It feels like my entire life has been spent under the 'watchful eyes of spirituality'. 'Family enmeshment' has lot to do with it. Even after my move to 'the US', 'FE' has stayed with me. I attribute my initial move to California little over two decades ago to 'FE'. Universe had 'read' my thoughts and didn't agree with them. So, it moved me to CA so that ‘FE’ could stay with me. Although, I 'architected' a turn around to New England (4) years later, the universe wasn't done with me.
A decade later as I tried to 'outsmart' it again by 'laying down the foundation of my ideal life', the universe 'played cards of short career & late breakup'. This led to my 'collapse'. Few years later as I gathered myself up and made attempt for another move to CA in order 'to save career', the universe orchestrated 'spiritual awakening’ using synchronicity messages (angel/ repeat numbers)' marking 'an end to the cycle and start of the new on a new path (destiny)!'😁
I learnt about 'the universe plan of my life' as part of 'spiritual awakening' over the past 7 years.
Pain pushes and Vision pulls...
Spirituality V/S Religion...
‘Spiritual Awakenings’ are difficult. I remember talking to my parents when it all began for me. I was in pain and wanted to talk to someone about it. Over the years, I have also consulted with (2) religious leaders from (2) different religions. They didn’t show much interest in 'repeat numeric patterns'.
This is why ‘spiritual awakening’ is a ‘solitary experience’. You will have hard time finding support in the outside world.
Guidelines in Life...
Final thoughts…
Technically speaking, one shouldn’t ‘go back' after an experience like this. It’ll be considered return back to an ‘old life’, in stead, a move forward to the ‘new’. It’s hard to pinpoint what ‘repeat numeric pattern’ phenomenon is but it has led me to my ‘life path and destiny numbers’ to the day I was born. According to the psychics, ‘repeat/ (angel) numbers’ reveal to us who we are @the soul level and 'real purpose of our life’. The next ‘cycle of life' should be based on this ‘new version’.
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain.
Spirituality is ‘life you were born to create than the one you have built’
I believe in ‘God’. I respect all religions equally (I was raised that way). I have lost a lot over the past decade (career, friends, co-workers etc.) but I have been on the receiving end of the ‘new found knowledge’. ‘Spiritual Awakening’ has taught me to see things for what they are and not what they pretend to be. I am glad it happened for me.
Lots of people struggle with 'spirituality'. It’s teachings hit our 'core values and reason for existence'. Life may get easier once we learn to 'accept'...
(a) We're 'spiritual beings (souls)' having 'human life experience'
(b) Belief in 'Fate/Destiny'
(c) Our ‘new role' as it is revealed to us
Once we ‘accept (3) changes’ listed above, ‘life in cycles becomes plausible solution’.
The Universe knows our story on day1 (the day we are born). It may take ‘decades’ before it reveals it to us (through ‘spiritual awakening’). You will then be asked to serve your ‘divine life purpose’ (
Spirituality is a ‘loop’. It 'encloses' everything. In the end, you have to find your answer alone. It takes time and patience. It took me ‘7’ years😀